AFCY: Bridging 

Our bridging projects enable AFCY to create unique connections between our programs in priority neighbourhoods and established art institutions such as our long time partners the AGO and the ROM and cutting edge arts organizations like DanceWorks and Urbanvessel. We are a building new partnerships and looking forward to building strong connections with the Ontario Science Center and Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada. Through these partnerships AFCY can bolster our programs but also create new opportunities like our Artist-Residencies where we place our emerging artists in unexpected locations from Toronto Botanical Garden to the Bata Shoe Museum. One of our Emerging Artists Tara says: “So many people passing by were telling me how cool the opportunity was and complimenting my work! The experience also made me realize how lucky I am to be creating art and working in the arts with unique opportunities.”
coffeeresidencyAbove – AFCY Artist in Residency: Andrenne Finnikin using Dark Horse’s coffee and leftover coffee grounds to create her painting within the Dark Horse located near Spadina & Dundas.

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